By Matt K. Johnson, Radical Manhood

When we dive into the pages of God's word, there's a moment of revelation that often occurs. It's that "Aha!" moment when we come across a truth that resonates deep within us. We read a passage and think, "Now that is something practical, I can do that." This is where the distinction between "indicatives" and "imperatives" in Scripture comes into play. It's like a lightbulb moment that can transform your understanding of your Christian journey.
Indicatives: The Foundations of Our Faith
Indicatives are like the building blocks of our faith journey. They are statements of fact that create new realities and identities for believers. Think of it as the "be this" aspect of your Christian walk. These indicatives are what Christ has done for us. It's the reassuring truth of our identity in Him.
One powerful example of indicatives can be found in the book of 1 Peter. Here, Christians are described as a "chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for God's own possession." This redefinition of identity is particularly poignant in the face of suffering. Instead of viewing suffering as a sign of defeat, it becomes a badge of honor, connecting us to the risen Jesus and offering a wellspring of hope.
Imperatives: Your Script for Christian Living
Now, let's talk about the "do this" part of our faith journey, the imperatives. Imperatives are the direct commands that guide our actions and roles within the Christian story. They provide the script for how we should live out our newfound identities.
For instance, Peter beautifully connects the identity of Christians as "sojourners" and "exiles" with the responsibility to practice self-restraint and integrity. It's a divine call to action, like marching orders from our Heavenly General. The key insight here is that your identity comes before your responsibility. You're cast as an actor in the kingdom-of-God story before you're handed your role.
The Christian Life: Identity First, Action Second
Unlike the exhausting pursuit of divine approval through constant performance, the Christian life is a journey of embracing your identity. You're not trying to earn a divine "like" button from God. Instead, you're already an adopted child of God, a son or daughter of the crucified yet risen King. Your identity as part of His family is your foundation, and from that identity, your actions flow.
Embrace Your New Identity
If you've ever felt lost or uncertain about your place in God's story, the Scriptures offer an incredible revelation. They invite you to see yourself as a refugee welcomed into His loving embrace. This story of belonging, designed for the hurt and wandering, offers you a fresh start and a sacred purpose within the family of God.
With this new identity comes a script, guiding your actions and shaping your role as a believer in the life-giving story of God. Embrace your new identity and script as an actor in this divine narrative, and you won't regret it.
In conclusion, understanding the interplay between indicatives and imperatives in your faith journey is the key to a transformed Christian life. Your identity in Christ is the anchor, and your actions are the natural outflow. It's a journey that will reshape your understanding of faith and empower you to live out your role as a believer in the grand story of God.